Design Studio

Das Analoge und das Digitale: „Landleben“ revisited

The rural area is subject to fundamental processes of transformation. During the pandemic in particular, the opportunities offered by home working and handicraft 2.0 resulted in a renewed interest in life in rural areas. At least since the publication “Countryside. A report “by AMO / Rem Koolhaas, research questions that have accompanied rural areas for decades have found a larger audience. The rural area oscillates in the perceptions from a space that one leaves due to its “crampedness” or the limited professional possibilities to a space of longing in which a different, nature-related life can take place. The truth is not just in the middle, but in a superposition of complexities and realities. With the push of digitization and changes in production, mobility and living conditions, new opportunities are currently emerging for rural areas. Using concrete case studies and in direct exchange with local stakeholders, scenarios for new living and living opportunities in the country are to be developed, which are fundamentally shaped by a knowledge of architecture as well as the new digital strategies. In cooperation with an expert in digital strategies and real actors on site, a research design for the development of concrete scenarios is created. The design takes place in cooperation with Ole Schilling, architect and Vice-President Co-Creation & Partner / Innovation Smart Cities & Regions of Deutsche Telekom.

Michael Obrist, Oliver Schilling
8.0h, 10 ECTS
via Zoom
Kick off: Donnerstag 04.03.2021 / 15:00 via ZOOM

Die Besprechungen finden jeden Donnerstag von 15:00 - 19:00 im digitalen Raum statt.
Examination modalities
Der Entwurf wird in Form von Präsentationsplänen und -modellen präsentiert. Eine abschließende digitale Dokumentation komplettiert die Aufgabe.

The design process start with short tasks, basic analyzes and accompanying lectures. The design is developed on the basis of plans and models in different scales - from urban/rural scale to the scale of houses and apartments.