
Wohnen: On Site | Architektur und Fotografie

In the photo research seminar led by Zara Pfeifer, each student will choose a building to investigate throughout the workshop. Students are encouraged to capture not only aesthetically appealing photographs of their chosen buildings but also to engage with the individuals present on site. The goal is to find a topic or an observation that can be visualized through photography. The camera will serve as both a creative and research tool, emphasizing the importance of active involvement on site. 

What stories do the residents share with us? How can these narratives be visually captured? In group meetings, we will discuss and reflect upon our findings, explore our roles as photographers on site and refine the focus of each photo project. The final product will be a photo series, presented either in a self-made booklet or as printed exhibits in a group exhibition, organized by the course.


Zara Pfeifer, a trained architect with over ten years of experience as a photographer in the field of architecture, will share her approach to long-term, multi-layered photographic projects that culminate in books, exhibitions, and commissioned works.

Through a mix of theoretical input, feedback on photo works, group discussions, and practical exercises, we aim to discover new media as research tools, learn from built spaces, and deepen our conceptual work and sensitivity while photographing, especially when engaging with people.

This seminar is open to everyone at all levels who are interested in interdisciplinary work, curious about photography, and open to experimentation.


Registration for the workshop is possible until 1.11.2024 with a short portfolio and/or letter to hello@zarapfeifer.com.

Participation in the workshop is limited to 15 participants.

Notification of admission to the workshop will be sent out on 8.11.2024.


Schedule tba



2.0h, 2.5 ECTS
Dates in Vienna:
27.11., 16:00 Kick-off
29.11., 14:00
2.12., 14:00
4.12., 14:00
6.12., 14:00

Additional online meetings will be discussed in class.

Exhibition TVFA-Halle:
Die Anmeldung zum Workshop ist bis zum 01.11.2024 mit Portfolio und/oder Schreiben an hello@zarapfeifer.com möglich. Die Teilnahme am Workshop ist auf 15 TeilnehmerInnen beschränkt. Eine Benachrichtigung über die Aufnahme in den Workshop wird am 08.11.2024 ausgeschickt.
Im Workshop „On Site | Architektur und Fotografie“ wählen die Studierenden jeweils einen Ort der Gemeinschaft, den sie im Verlauf des Kurses durch fotografische Erkundungen und durch ihr Engagement vor Ort untersuchen. Das Ergebnis ist eine inhaltlich kohärente und visuell künstlerische Fotoarbeit, die in einer gemeinsamen Ausstellung präsentiert wird.

Benjamin Kos, Ausstellung "On Site – Architektur & Fotografie", TVFA-Halle, Februar 2023. Foto: Mara Haas

Alexandra Flanjak, Ausstellung "On Site – Architektur & Fotografie", TVFA-Halle, Februar 2023. Foto: Adrian Talmon

Madita Kümmeringer, Ausstellung "On Site – Architektur & Fotografie", TVFA-Halle, Februar 2023. Foto: Mara Haas