Michael Obrist
in conversation with

Emanuele Coccia

Coming Home, Tomorrow.

11. Juni 2024

Emanuele Coccia

Michael Obrist [feld72] in conversation with Emanuele Coccia about "Coming Home, Tomorrow. Some Reflections on the Future of Domesticity"

The apartment floor plans that architects draw when conceiving a house are not lines that shape a virgin, empty space devoid of reality: the domestic matter is not space, it is human life in all its viscosity made up of desires, ghosts, habits, neuroses. Domestic plans are moral diagrams: diagrams that define the order of customs, the shape of habits, programs of conduct. And the home is a strange alchemical operation that transforms our moral identity into a spatial reality, converting ordinary, everyday human life into the form of a place. To design a house is literally to invent a new moral topography. Architects are not artists. They are moral engineers. Morality, and not aesthetics, is at the heart of our homes. The talk investigates the new forms of contemporary morality to which architecture will have to adapt.

Emanuele Coccia
Emanuele Coccia is Associate Professor at the EHESS since 2011, after being Assistant Professor at the University of Freiburg im Breisgau (2008-2011). He was invited research fellow and professor at the University of Tokyo (2009), Buenos Aires (2010), Düsseldorf (2013) and at the Columbia University (2015/2016). He is the author of La Vie sensible, The Life of Plants, Métamorphoses and Philosophie de la maison.
1.5h, 2 ECTS
HS 7 Schütte-Lihotzky
18 Uhr

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