Michael Klein
derzeit nach Vereinbarung
My work explores architecture and the city at the intersection of the fields of architecture, the arts, history and urbanism. With these, I have an interest in housing, domesticity and everyday life and how it has been shaped through discursive formations and material forces with a background in political and aesthetic theory. I hold a degree in architecture from the Academy of fine Arts Vienna and a PhD in philosophy and cultural studies.
board member of dérive
board member of the ÖGFA Austrian Society for Architecture
Exhibitions and Screenings (Selection):
currently: Videonale 18: Fluid States – Solid Matter, festival video and time-based art forms, Kunstmuseum Bonn
Filmoteca de Catalunya, Barcelona (2021)
Niehler Freiheit, Köln (2020)
Licht Luft Scheiße – Perspectives on Ecology and Modernity, nGbK (Neue Gesellschaft für bildende Kunst Berlin) (2019)
Az W Architekturzentrum Wien (2019)
57th. Ann Arbor Film Festival (No Violence Award) (2019)
UrbanEye Film Festival Bucarest (2019)
65. Internationale Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen (2019)
Diagonale'19, Graz (2019)
Crossing Europe, Linz (2019)
FID Marseille (2018)
Slow Down. Filmische Hinwendungen zur Reduktion, Kunsthalle Exnergasse, Wien (2017)
Publications (selection):
Michael Klein, with Gabu Heindl and Christina Linortner (ed.): Building Critique, Architecture and its Discontents, Spector Books, 2020
Michael Klein, with Jon Goodbun, Andreas Rumpfhuber und Jeremy Till: Das Design der Knappheit, Studienhefte Problemorientiertes Design #7, Adocs, 2018
Michael Klein, gemeinsam mit Andreas Rumpfhuber: Modelling Vienna. Real Fictions in Social Housing: the Architecture of __, Wien, Turia & Kant 2015
Michael Klein, with Jon Goodbun, Andreas Rumpfhuber und Jeremy Till: The Design of Scarcity, Strelka Press, 2015
articles and texts (selection):
Michael Klein: When Spectres Return: Housing Reform And The Idea of The Good Home, Eurozines, August 2020
Michael Klein, with Gabu Heindl und Christina Linortner: A Critique of Practice and a Practice of Critique, in: Building Critique, (Heindl, Klein, Linortner, Hg.) Spector Books, 2020, S.9-27.
Michael Klein: H like Housing: Marx from the Margins – A Collective Project from A to Z, krisis, journal for contemporary philosophy, issue 2, 2018
Michael Klein: Die neue Sparsamkeit, in: NZZ Neue Züricher Zeitung vom 12. Oktober 2018
Michael Klein: Knappheit, Austerität und die zeitgenössische Stadt, dérive No.55, 2014
Michael Klein, gemeinsam mit Barbara Ascher, Isis Nunez Ferrera: Facts on the Ground? Overcrowding in British Housing, in: EUSS Housing; Deljana Iossova (Hg.) London 2013
Michael Klein: Gemeinschaftseinrichtung and Gemeindebau: the Common Spaces in Viennese Social Housing, in: Architecture for Leisure in Post-war Europe 1945-1989; Janina Gosseye, Hilde Heynen (Hg.) Leuven 2012, S. 82-91
Michael Klein, mit Andreas Rumpfhuber, Georg Kolmayr: Almost All Right? Vienna Social Housing Provision in: AD Architectural Design, London 2012, p.88-93
Michael Klein: Models, Solutions, Life and Practice in Social Housing in Vienna, in:
dérive 46: Social Housing in Vienna; Wien 2012