
Max Utech

Arch. Dipl.-Ing.
Univ. Ass.
T+43 1 58801 253206

Diploma in Architecture at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal

born in Wuppertal, Germany


Own practice in architecture and urban design since 2017 (

Member of the Chamber of Architects Vienna      

Prior to that, many years of practice in competition, planning and building at bernd kniess architekten stadtplaner Cologne, Architecture Sophie Thomas Paris and SUPERBLOCK Vienna


since 2020 Teaching/Research Assistant, Department of Housing and Design, TU Vienna

2018 - 2020 Teaching/Research Assistant, Department of Urban Planning and Design, TU Vienna


2021 "Paris transformativ", Publisher with Angelika Psenner, cooperation of the departments of Urban Planning and Design and of Housing and Design, TU Vienna, ISBN 978-3-900669-37-9

2019 "PALERMO Urban Design Studio 2019", Publisher, department of Urban Planning and Design, TU Vienna, ISBN 978-3-900669-34-8 

Scholarships / Residencies  

2021 and 22 Residencies Cité internationale des arts Paris awarded by the Académie d'Architecture

2021 Residency ZK/U - Center for Art and Urbanistics Berlin

2020 Margarete Schütte-Lihotzky Project Scholarship awarded by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Arts

past courses

253.F47 UE  Großes Entwerfen "Wiener Knoten: Wilde Metropole"

For the research department of urban planning and design:
260.622 Stegreifentwerfen "Transformative Räume - Paris 2.0"
260.597 Großes Entwerfen / Entwerfen (Bachelor) "Transformative Räume – Paris"
260.114 Studio Städtebau
260.543 Großes Entwerfen "Summer School Lake Como"
260.547 Großes Entwerfen / Entwerfen (Bachelor) „Palermo"