
Bernadette Krejs DI
Univ. Ass. (PostDoc)

Bernadette Krejs, PHD, is an architect and researcher based at the Research Department for Housing and Design at Vienna University of Technology. Her work is situated in a transdisciplinary research field between architecture, housing and visual culture. Her dissertation, completed with honors in 2022, focuses on the media representation of housing through digital platforms and a counter-hegemonic image production in the field of architecture. In her research-led practice, she critically engages with various aesthetic practices as well as politics inscribed within them. She works on various research projects in the field of spatial production (Diskursraum Wohnbau Wien (2019 - 2021), Intensified Density (2017)) and is co-editor and author of numerous books. (Instagram-Wohnen (2023), Ästhetische Ordnungen und Politiken des Wohnens (2023), Vages Terrain (2023), Mapping the Croatian Coast (2020), Cartography of Smallness - Learning from Japan (2018)). As co-guest editor of ARCH+ Issue 244: WIEN: Das Ende des Wohnbaus (als Typologie) (2021), she was awarded with the Bruno Kreisky Prize for the Political Book 2022. Her work has been published in exhibitions (PLATFORM AUSTRIA - La Biennale di Venezia 2021). As co-founder of the feminist collective Claiming*Spaces she deals with questions of a queer-feminist, intersectional knowledge production in architectural education and co-conceived international conferences in this context (WHOSE HISTORY?, AzW 2022). In 2023 she received the Best Teaching Award for gender-sensitive teaching at the TU Wien. She gives lectures (MAGAZIN - Space for Contemporary Architecture, 2022) and speaks at conferences (Research Festival Design Academy Eindhoven, 2022 / Mariann Steegmann Institute Art & Gender, University of Bremen, 2021). She is Margarete Schütte Lihotzky Project Fellow 2023. With the project Palace of Un/Learning she is LINA Fellow 2023 together with Max Utech and cooperated with Fondació Mies van der Rohe Barcelona, Oslo Architecture Triennale, Irish Architecture Foundation Dublin, Viper Gallery & Art University Umprum Prague, Design Academy Eindhoven and Archfondas Vilnius.